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2008 Prix de West Bolo, Ute Warrior or Ute Maiden by Oreland C. Joe Sr.

2008 Prix de West Bolo, Ute Warrior or Ute Maiden by Oreland C. Joe Sr.

Regular price $125.00
Regular price Sale price $125.00
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Oreland Joe is world-renowned for his work in stone and bronze sculpture. 

Oreland Joe was born in Shiprock, New Mexico on June 3, 1958. He is a native of New Mexico and is of Dine' (Navajo) and Ute descent. Oreland Joe grew up in the four-corners area most of his life, both on the Navajo and Ute reservations. Currently, Kirtland, New Mexico is home to his family and studio.

Oreland Joe knew, by the age of four, he wanted to be an artist. As a young man, he experienced various influences that have formed the man who commands admiration and respect in today's contemporary art world.

Add to your collection of our Prix de West bolos, or start your collection today! These bolos are replicas of the original artwork. Each bolo comes with a braided horsehair bolo tie. 

The bolo comes in bronze, silver and gold. 

This particular style comes in a bolo and a pin. 

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