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2021 Prix de West Bolo - Great Plains Toad by Dan Ostermiller

2021 Prix de West Bolo - Great Plains Toad by Dan Ostermiller

Regular price $100.00
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As an 18-year veteran of Prix de West, Colorado-based sculptor Dan Ostermiller's works have many times been featured in the halls of the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum. 

"It has been an honor to be a part of Prix de West the past 18 years," Ostermiller said, "and I was really glad to be chosen to do the bolo."

Ostermiller's first idea for the bolo was the Great Plains toad that frequents the ponds around his studio. This relatively large species is ubiquitous throughout the North American Great Plains, from Canada down to Mexico, and thrives in diverse habitats including grasslands, agricultural areas, floodplains and deserts. 

Each bolo comes with a braided horsehair bolo tie. No discounts are available for this product. 

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