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Desert Survey by Logan Maxwell Hagege

Desert Survey by Logan Maxwell Hagege

Regular price $80.00
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Desert Survey, the new book, showcasing over 150 pages of Logan Maxwell Hagege’s most iconic works.

Logan Maxwell Hagege (b. 1980) is a Los Angeles based contemporary artist with modern visions of the west. The paintings of Hagege exhibit all the hallmarks of his classical art training from an academy in Southern California, a modern-day atelier, in which students refined their skills by drawing and painting live models every day for years. 

Hagege’s mature style, which he terms “stylized realism,” has made him a master of geometric design where angles and edges are softened by the curve of billowing clouds. His signature clouds often mimic the shapes of the blanketed figures in the foreground, creating visual roadmaps for the viewers, further adding to the design, and narrative of each composition.

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